2020 Journal of Athletic Training Kenneth L. Knight Award for Outstanding Research Manuscript
Congratulations to the entire research team on “A Prospective Study of Concussions and Health Outcomes in High School Football Players” for receiving the 2020 Journal of Athletic Training Kenneth L. Knight Award for the Outstanding Research Manuscript.
The paper, written by Timothy McGuine, PhD, ATC; Adam Pfaller, MD; Scott Hetzel, MS; Steven Broglio, PhD, ATC, FNATA; and Erin Hammer, MD, MPH, details how high school football players who sustained a sport related concussion described no sustained adverse health outcomes (increased post-concussion symptoms or symptom severity, increased depression symptoms, or lower health related quality of life) after their return to play through 12 months post injury. Over the past decade, there has been increased emphasis from the WI state legislature and the WIAA regarding the importance of correctly identifying and treating sport related concussions in adolescents. As a result, in most schools, Licensed ATs are available to promptly identify potential sport concussions and monitor a gradual and safe return to sports for the athlete following the injury.
Congratulations to this outstanding team on their well deserved award!
*note: all data was collected in Wisconsin high schools with licensed athletic trainers available at the schools*