Adult Reconstructive Hip and Knee Fellowship

A Welcome from the Directors

Richard Illgen ll, MD
Co-Program Director

Brian T. Nickel, MD
Co-Program Director

Welcome to the University of Wisconsin – Madison Fellowship in Adult Reconstructive Hip and Knee Surgery. Thank you for taking the time to seek out our program and learn more about the unique opportunities that await you should you pursue your future training at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

The University of Wisconsin Hip and Knee Reconstructive Fellowship offers comprehensive training in primary and revision joint replacement, with significant exposure to robotic assisted procedures, same day discharge arthroplasty, and rapid recovery protocols.

Prior fellows have completed 750-850 cases per year. Surgical techniques include posterior and anterior hip approach, partial knee replacement, and approximately 20% complex primary or revision surgery. This training opportunity includes exposure to five full-time, fellowship-trained adult reconstructive hip and knee surgeons. Two of the five completed an additional fellowship (one in oncology and another in trauma) which exposes the fellow to extremely complex hip and knee pathology. The vast majority of surgery is done at the orthopedic surgery specialized East Madison Hospital; this unique training environment teaches the fellow how to run an efficient, high volume, two-room practice similar to the ASC setting.

In addition to the clinical responsibilities, the fellow will host the weekly Monday Joints Indications conference, assist in resident and medical student education, and provide scientific contribution through two research manuscripts by the end of the year.

Thank you for your interest in our fellowship. If you have questions about our program, please contact us.

Richard L. Illgen, MD
Co-Director, Fellowship in Adult Reconstructive Hip and Knee Surgery

Brian T. Nickel, MD
Co-Director, Fellowship in Adult Reconstructive Hip and Knee Surgery