We appreciate your interest in supporting our work through a donation.
Gifts are very important to our program and provide essential and immediate support for our areas of greatest need.
If you are ready to make a gift now, making a donation online is simple at our online donation page.
Additionally, if you have a unique gifting interest or a specific area you would like to target, please let us know.
Whether you would like to contribute to research initiatives, equipment needs, or educational programs, there are many opportunities to provide meaningful gifts at every dollar level.
Many Ways to Give
Honorary or memorial gifts to recognize accomplishments and honor the memory of a colleague, friend, or relative
Charitable bequests of any amount in your will or living trust
Naming the University of Wisconsin Department of Orthopedics and Rehabilitation as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy
Naming the University of Wisconsin Department of Orthopedics and Rehabilitation as a beneficiary of all or a portion of your retirement plan
Setting up a deferred or immediate charitable gift annuity
Giving a gift of real estate
Employer Matching Gifts
Gifts of Appreciated Securities
Named Endowments and Expendable Funds
October 12, 2022 – Bryan Heiderscheit, PhD, Awarded Gaenslen Professorship:
L-R Dr. Heiderscheit, Eric Gaenslen and Heidi Gaenslen (Frederick and Clara Gaenslen’s grandchildren), and Tamara Scerpella, MD, Interim Chair, UW Department of Orthopedics and Rehabilitation
Named Endowments
Named endowments can be used to fund a specific project or program. Endowments can also be used to create discretionary funds that the department can use for areas of greatest need.
Named Expendable Funds
Named expendable funds can be used to support outstanding faculty and promising students for a specific number of years. These funds can be designated to provide immediate support for specific projects and programs.
Orthopedic Faculty Support
Named endowments and expendable funds can also be used to support exceptional faculty.