Orthopedic Surgery Residency

Didactic Curriculum

Basic Science

The weekly Basic Science Conference allows residents to be both student and teacher. Basic Sciences covers pathology, biomechanics, anatomy, and other topics related to the musculoskeletal system.

Indications Conference

Monthly each sub-specialty presents an indications conference. Presenters are encouraged to incorporate X-rays and other media, including video of arthroscopic findings/procedures and histologic slides of pathology cases. Presenters may discuss current and/or clinical cases. Some presentations may be multi-disciplinary. Presentations are usually prepared by residents under the guidance and supervision of faculty members. Orthopedic faculty, fellows, and guest speakers also present.

Trauma Conferences

Trauma conferences occur 3 – 4 times per month. This conference covers trauma cases from the previous week and other recent trauma cases of interest. Complicated cases are emphasized, allowing residents to receive staff input to facilitate case management.

Grand Rounds

This important part of the resident education program allows a resident to focus on a topic of interest (usually stimulated by a clinical case), research the topic, and present it to a group of orthopedic surgeons. Residents in their fifth year present one Grand Rounds per year to orthopedic faculty, residents, fellows, and local orthopedists. Grand Rounds are also an opportunity for staff to educate residents on preparing effective presentations.

Mortality and Morbidity (M&M)

The M&M conference, led by faculty members and senior residents, covers adverse patient outcomes. The overall goal of M&M is to improve patient care by discussing salient evidence-based medicine in the context of orthopedic clinical practice and potential human and systems factors that contributed to the outcome.

Journal Club

Monthly Journal Club meetings are usually held at a faculty member’s home, where topics and issues around contemporary evidenced-based medicine are discussed and reviewed.

Professor’s Hour

The Program Director (Dr. Kathryn Williams), Associate Program Director (Dr. Brian Grogan), or the Chair (Dr. Tamara Scerpella) holds Professor’s Hour once a month. They meet with all residents to discuss educational issues and topics of general interest, such as ethics, program changes, and items of concern to the residents.

Service-Specific Conferences

Conferences for hand, pediatrics, and sports medicine are held weekly to discuss current topics. All residents are required to attend when on these rotations.